Connected Clubhouse Extension
Completed in previous role as Project Architect at Williamson Williamson Inc.
Renovation and extension of ski clubhouse.
While the venerable Douglas Fir clubhouse had served the esteemed ski club well for many years, it needed updates and upgrades to attract and retain members. Wrapping the façade in new curtainwall and wood siding strategically connects previously isolated areas to the new extension and provides a consistent experience for members across the building.

The interior is composed of new wood elements to maintain the feeling of warmth and intimacy while providing much needed capacity. The wood is crafted to perform various functions, acting as a unifying feature in ceiling slat panels throughout the space while substantially improving acoustics, or cladding structural elements in a way that speaks to the original timber.

Photography by Bob Gundu.

Project Type: Commercial, Ski Clubhouse
Location: Collingwood, Ontario, Canada
Status: Completed 2019
GFA: 29,750 sqft total (20,300 sqft renovation)

Client: Osler Bluff Ski Club
Contractor: Upstream Construction
Structural: Blackwell Engineering
Mechanical: Burnside & Associates
Electrical: Lapas Consulting Engineers

Civil: Tatham Engineering
Acoustics: Aercoustics Engineering
Code: LRI Engineering
Lighting: Alula Lighting
Energy Modelling: Opresnik Engineering
Costing: Vermeulens
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